FastExcel SpeedTools Lookups - more powerful, better and faster lookups and comparisons
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SpeedTools Lookups give you more Power
- Multiple columns lookup
- Multiple rows lookup
- Two-dimensional lookup of rows and columns
- Lookup the first or the last or the Nth occurrence
- Return ALL the rows that match your lookups
- Case-sensitive lookup
- Regular expression lookups
- Wild-card lookup
- Lookup a range or an array or a calculated array
- Faster than complicated array formulas

SpeedTools Lookups are Easy to Use
- Easy-to-use launch and integration with Intellisense and the Excel Function wizard.
- Integrated Help.
SpeedTools Lookups are less error-prone and work with ALL Excel versions from Excel 2007 forwards
- Want an exact match from your lookups? Thats always our default setting.
- Want to lookup but not use the first column? No problem.
- Want to lookup using multiple columns? No problem.
- Your data is not sorted? Thats always our default setting.
- Use column labels instead of numbers for lookup columns and answer columns.
- Control what gets returned for no match.
- Separate parameter control for Sort and Exact Match
SpeedTools Lookups calculate faster than standard Excel Lookups in Excel 2007 through Excel 2019
- Exact match on Sorted data is easy and lightning fast
- Memory lookup on unsorted data makes lengthy recalculations a thing of the past
- Reconcile lists of data without waiting for calculation with COMPARE.LISTS
- Row memory lookups automatically optimise repeated lookups
- Multi-threaded Lookups
- Written using the fast C++ XLL interface
- Choice of Row memory, Column memory or Cell memory
Find miss-coded and missing items fast with Compare.Lists
- Compare 500000 items with a 500000 item list in under a second
- Count missing items
- Filter out miss-matches
- Find missmatches caused by upper/lower case errors
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