Buy FastExcel V4 Licenses |
The FastExcel V4 family of productsYou can buy activation
licenses for individual FastExcel V4 products, Purchasing is handled by the FastSpring E-Commerce platform on behalf of Decision Models. The available FastExcel V4 Licenses are:
Buy FastExcel V4 Windows Licenses for any of the FastExcel V4 Windows productsBuy FastExcel V4 Manager Pro for Mac LicensesProduct support for FastExcel V4 is provided through the FastExcel V4 Google Group FastExcel V4 Single License Prices, excluding VAT and applicable taxes.There is a 30% discount Upgrade Offer for existing FastExcel V3 customers: see Upgrade to FastExcel V4Save money - buy a bundle of productsThe FastExcel V4 Bundle saves you $38 compared to the cost of the individual FastExcel products. Pay using VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, PayPal or Purchase Order (approved customers only)FastExcel V4 for Windows LicensingYou can request a FastExcel V4 Bundle Trial License here. The trial license gives you 15 days to try out and use all of the many FastExcel V4 features. A single FastExcel V4 product license allows you to activate the licensed FastExcel V4 product on 2 separate systems. You can also manage your FastExcel V4 Windows License Activations and Licenses using this web-page. FastExcel V4 SpeedTools Run-Time LicensingThe Run-Time Installer creates a copy of the run-time files on the Developer system. These run-time files can be freely distributed to an unlimited number of user systems. FastExcel V4 Manager Pro for Mac LicensingWhen you install FastExcel V4 Manager Pro for Mac a 15-day trial license is automatically installed. |