Rgx.ISLIKE function
Tests whether a string matches a Regular Expression Pattern.
Rgx.ISLIKE is a multi-threaded, non-volatile array function.
Rgx.ISLIKE Syntax
Rgx.ISLIKE(String, RegExp, Case_Sensitive)
The first 2 parameters are required; the last parameter is optional.
String (required)
Text to be matched by the Regular Expression Pattern.
RegExp (required)
Specifies the Regular Expression to be used when matching the String.
Case_Sensitive (optional)
TRUE to make the pattern-matching case-sensitive. The default is FALSE.
Rgx.ISLIKE Examples
The Numbers are in A36:A42, stored as text.
The Regular Expression Pattern is in C34.
The Rgx.ISLIKE formula is copied down in each cell of C36:C42.
You can also use Rgx.ISLIKE as an array formula
{=Rgx.ISLIKE(A36:A42,C34)} would give the same results as the 7 individual formulas.