ISLIKE2 array function for pattern-matching strings
The ISLIKE function performs a wild-card comparison between a string and a pattern using VBA Like, and returns True if the string matches the pattern, or False if it does not or an error occurs.
ISLIKE can be used as an array function
ISLIKE is multithreaded, is non-volatile and is an array function.
ISLIK2E Syntax
ISLIKE2 (theString, thePattern, CaseSensitive)
An expression, constant or Range that can be resolved to a string or array of strings: the string(s) to be compared to the pattern. If theString contains numeric values they will be converted to strings.
An expression, constant or Range that can be resolved to a string or arrays of strings: the pattern(s) to be used in the comparison.
Patterns can contain:
* Any number of characters, including none
? Any single character
ISLIKE2 Array function usage
When ISLIKE2 is used as an array function or inside an array formula each of the input arguments can be a single value, a one or two-dimensional array or a one or two-dimensional range.
If the dimensions of the two input arguments do not match, the smaller dimension will be wrapped: for example
=ISLIKE2(“Fred7”,{”*3”,”*5”,”*7”}) compares Fred7 to each of *3, *5, *7 in turn and returns {False,False,True}
ISLIKE2 Examples
True =ISLIKE2( "aBBBa" ,"a*a")
True =ISLIKE2("BAT123khg","B?T*")
False =ISLIKE2("CAT123khg","B?T*")