Text Functions
CONCAT.RANGE - Concatenate cell values to a string using delimiters.
PAD.TEXT - Expand/Contract text-strings to a fixed length
REVERSE.TEXT - Reverse the characters in a Text-string
SPLIT.TEXT - Splits text into tokens using delimiters
GROUPS - Extracts groups of characters (digits, strings etc) from a Text-string
Rgx.FIND - Find the position of a Regular Expression pattern within a text-string
Rgx.LEN - Finds the length of the substring that matches a Regular Expression pattern
Rgx.SUBSTITUTE - Replaces substring(s) that match Regular Expression patterns.
Rgx.MID - Extracts substring(s) that match Regular Expression patterns.
COMPARE - Compares 2 values using the same collating sequence as Excel’s SORT
ISLIKE2 - Compares a string to a wild-card expression
Rgx.ISLIKE - Compares a string to a regular expression pattern