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Sheet Manager Action Buttons




Sheet Manager Action Buttons

These buttons act directly on the sheets in the chosen workbook.

Hide Unhide

Hide or unhide the selected sheets. The Visible column in the Sheets box will show Yes or No or VH for very hidden sheets. You cannot hide or unhide Very Hidden sheets.

Protect Unprotect

Protect or unprotect the selected sheets. The Protected column in the Sheets box will show Yes or No.


All selected sheets will be grouped and selected in the workbook. This allows you to make edits simultaneously across a range of worksheets.


The Sheets box will be refreshed from the workbook using the filtering settings.


Rename will prompt you for a new name for each selected sheet.


Delete will request confirmation once before deleting all the selected sheets.

Insert or Copy Before or After

Insert will add a worksheet before or after (depending on the Before/After option setting) every selected sheet.
Copy will copy every selected sheet before or after itself.

Mix Mode Settings

Use this button to control when the Mixed Mode sheets are calculated. These settings are saved with the workbook. The default settings are:

-Do NOT calculate Mixed Mode sheets at a Manual (F9) or Automatic recalculation

-Calculate Mixed Mode Sheets at each Full Calculation (Ctrl/Alt/F9) and, when selected, at a Sheet Calculate (Shift/F9 and Alt/Shift/F9)

Full Calculation: when this option is checked all formulas including those on MixMode sheets in the active workbook will be calculated when you press Ctrl-Alt-F9 or the FastExcel Full Calculate button. The default is checked.

Manual Calculation: when this option is checked pressing F9 or FastExcel’s Recalculate button will recalculate formulas that are flagged as uncalculated, including those on MixMode sheets in the active workbook. The default is not checked.

Selected Sheet(s) Calculation: when this option is checked pressing Shift-F9 or FastExcel’s Calculate Sheets button will recalculate formulas that are flagged as uncalculated on all selected sheets, MixMode or enabled. The default is checked.

Automatic Calculation: this option is permanently disabled: Excel’s automatic calculations do not recalculate MixMode sheets.

Mixed Mode On or OFF

A subset of the sheets in a workbook can be assigned Mixed Mode calculation. Mixed Mode sheets can have a different calculation mode to that of the workbook: for example F9 could calculate all the sheets except the Mixed Mode sheets, and Mixed Mode sheets would only be calculated at a Full Calculation or Sheet Calculation of a Mixed Mode sheet. Use the Mix Mode buttons to control which sheets are to be treated as Mix Mode sheets. Mixed Mode settings are saved with the workbook.

Move Up Move Down

These buttons will move all the selected sheets either one position up or one position down.

Sort Workbook Sheets

This button show the Workbook Sheets Sorting Options

You can use a variety of options to sort and group the sheets in the workbook.

-Filtered – All the sheets that satisfy the filters will be sorted

-Selected – Only the sheets that are actually selected within the Sheets box will be sorted

-All – All the sheets in the workbook will be sorted


-Position – the relative position of the chosen sheets will be maintained but the chosen sheets will be sorted next to one another into a group. The position of the first chosen sheet will be unchanged.

-Name – the chosen sheets will be sorted by name.


-Ascending – the chosen sheets will be sorted ascending

-Descending – the chosen sheets will be sorted descending

When you click the Sort Workbook Sheets button the sheets will be sorted within the workbook.

Note: Sorting sheets can take a long time with large workbooks.




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