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Choose Sheet Filters




Choose Sheet Filters

You can use a combination of filters to show only a subset of sheets in the sheets box.

This combination of filters shows only sheets that are visible and unprotected and worksheets and whose name contains ‘Product’.

And Or Invert Filters

The default (And) is that all the filters must be satisfied for a sheet to be shown in the sheets box.
You can also choose OR so that a sheet that satisfies any of the filters will be shown.

Checking Invert Filters reverses the filters action so that only the sheets that satisfy none of the filters are shown.

Available Sheet Filters

The sheet filters are:

-All – all sheets are shown

-Selected in Sheet Manager – Only sheets that have been selected within the  Sheet Manager Sheets box are shown

-Visible – Only sheets that are visible in the workbook are shown

-Hidden – Only sheets that are hidden in the workbook are shown

-Protected – Only sheets that are protected are shown

-Unprotected – Only sheets that are un-protected are shown

-Worksheets – Only sheets that are worksheets are shown

-Chart Sheets – Only sheets that are chart sheets are shown

-MixMode Sheets – Only sheets that have been flagged as Mixed Mode are shown

-Active – Only the sheet(s) within the current workbook that are active are shown.

You can also filter sheets by name using wildcards: * means any combination of characters or none, and ? means a single character. You can use any combination of the wildcard characters that are useable by the VBA Like function.




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