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Sheets Box




Sheets Box

The sheets box contains 5 columns of information for each sheet (worksheet or chart sheet) that matches the sheet filters.

Double-clicking a sheet in the Sheets Box activates that sheet in the workbook.

-Seq – shows the sequence number of the worksheet within the workbook

-MixMode – shows when the sheet will be calculated:

oBook or Chart – the sheet will be calculated each time its parent workbook is calculated

oF – the sheet will be calculated at each Full calculation

oS – the sheet will be calculated at a Sheet calculation when selected

oM – the sheet will be calculated at each Manual calculation

-Protected – shows whether the sheet is protected or not

-Visible – shows yes for Visible, No for Hidden and VH for Very Hidden

-Name – shows the name of the sheet

You can sort the filtered list of sheets in the sheetbox by clicking Name or Seq. This does not change the sequence of the sheets in the workbook.




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