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Rgx.SUMIF function




Rgx.SUMIF function

Counts the number of values within a range or array that match the Regular Expression Pattern.

Rgx.SUMIF is a multi-threaded non-volatile function.

Rgx.SUMIF Syntax

Rgx.SUMIF(Search_This, RegExp, Sum_This, Case_Sensitive)

The first 2 parameters are required; the last parameter is optional.

Search_This (required)

A rectangular range, array or expression that returns a rectangular array to be searched for matches to the Regular Expression Pattern. All rows and columns within the rectangular array are evaluated for a match.

RegExp (required)

Specifies the Regular Expression to be used when matching values from SearchThis

Sum_This (required)

A rectangular range, array or expression that returns a rectangular array that is the same size as Search_This.

Each of the values in positions in Sum_This that correspond to values matched in Search_This will be SUMmed.

Case_Sensitive (optional)

TRUE to make the pattern-matching case-sensitive. The default is FALSE.

Rgx.SUMIF Example

The Numbers data is in A36:A42 and the Reular Expression Pattern is in C35. The Values to be summed are in B36:B42.

There are 6 numbers that match the pattern, and the corresponding values are summed to give 264. The Numbers data is all textual numbers.




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