Array and Range Filtering Functions
The filtering functions provide extended ways of using one or more criteria to filter out subsets of data.
Very fast performance is achieved for sorted data.
The functions can be used as multi-cell array formulas or dynamic array formulas to return the data subsets directly.
They can also be used within any aggregating function (SUM, MEDIAN, RANK etc to provide the equivalent MEDIANIFS, RANKIFS function.
ACOUNTIFS - count using extended multiple conditions
ASUMIFS - sum using extended multiple conditions
FILTER.IFS - filter out subsets of data using multiple extended conditions
FILTER.SORTED - filter out subsets of sorted data using multiple extended conditions
FILTER.MATCH - filter out row numbers of the data using multiple extended conditions
FILTER.VISIBLE - filter out the visible rows
Rgx.SUMIF - sum values using Regular Expressions
Rgx.COUNTIF - count values using Regular Expressions