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FILTER.VISIBLE returns an array containing all the visible rows in the input Range. Rows that are hidden, have zero height or are filtered out by AutoFilter are excluded. The input data must be a range.

FILTER.VISIBLE is Volatile, is NOT multithreaded and is an array function.



The first parameter is required, the second is optional.

theRange (Required)

A range reference for the rows and columns to be filtered.

Pad (Optional default #N/A)

The value to use for any excess cells in the array formula. Excess cells are cells in a multi-cell array formula that have no corresponding output from the function.

If FILTER.VISIBLE is called from a multi-cell array formula it will return the smaller of the number of rows in the multi-cell array formula or the number of rows in the input range.

If FILTER.VISIBLE is called from a single-cell array formula it will return the number of rows in the input range.




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