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ASUMIFS function




ASUMIFS function

ASUMIFS sums the cells in the chosen column(s) that match the extended conditions or criteria.


ASUMIFS (nsortedCols, InputRange, ReturnCol, CriteriaColumn1, Criteria1,
CriteriaColumn2, Criteria2, …, ["#OR#", nsortedCols,] CriteriaColumnx, Criteriax, …)

ASUMIFS() is equivalent to SUM(FILTER.IFS())

See FILTER.IFS for definitions of the parameters for ASUMIFS.

The InputRange may optionally contain column labels in the first row, in which case at least one of the criteria columns or return column should be identified using a label. If you only use column numbers then the InputRange should NOT include labels,

If nSortedCols is NOT equal to zero the InputRange must be sorted on the criteria columns in the DataRange.

If ReturnCol is zero then a row of sums will be returned for each column in InputRange, and ASUMIFS should be entered as a multi-cell array formula. This is an efficient method of summing multiple columns for a common set of criteria.




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