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Dynamic Array shaping functions




Dynamic Array shaping functions

Transform, resize, modify and stack dynamic arrays

UNPIVOT          - Transforms table columns from a range, array or table into rows.

SLICES                    - Create a new array from one or more slices of an array or range

SPLICECELLS          - Replace up to 5 cells in an array

SPLICEROWS          - Insert and/or remove rows from an array or range.

SPLICECOLS          - Insert and/or remove columns from an array or range.

REPEAT                    - Copy a block of cells on or more times vertically and/or horizontally.

RESIZE                    - Resize the rows/columns in an array or spill reference

VSTACK                    - Appends Ranges/Arrays row-wise below one another

HSTACK                    - Appends Ranges/Arrays column-wise alongside each other

HDR.VSTACK          - Appends columns with matching headers from Ranges/Arrays below one another

HDR.HSTACK          - Appends rows with matching headers from Ranges/Arrays alongside one another

REVERSE.ARRAY - Reverse the rows, columns or both in an array.

VECTOR          - Outputs a sequence of numbers as a column or row vector




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