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Array totalling and arithmetic functions




Array totalling and arithmetic functions

Functions to provide totals (static or floating below or alongside dynamic arrays), and series calculations for dynamic arrays.

TOTALS                    - Floating/fixed totals of the columns in an array or range

HTOTALS          - Floating/fixed totals of the rows in an array or range

SUMCOLS          - Sum columns in an array or range

SUMROWS          - Sum rows in an array or range

AVERAGECOLS          - Average columns in an array or range

AVERAGEROWS          - Average rows in an array or range

COUNTCOLS          - Count the values in columns in an array or range

COUNTROWS          - Count the values in rows in an array or range

CORKSCREW          - Simple arithmetic roll-forward for dynamic arrays

ACCUMULATE   - Carry-forward by row or column in a series

DIFF                    - Calculate the difference between successive items in a series

MOVAVG          - Calculate one of 6 types of moving average for a series




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