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Workbook Calculation Settings: Mixed Mode




Workbook Calculation Settings: Mixed Mode

Note: FastExcel Mixed Mode is only available with FastExcel SpeedTools and FastExcel Manager Pro for Mac

Options for calculating MixMode Worksheets

Make some sheets calculate automatically and others only when you request calculation

FastExcel allows you to mix calculation modes for different worksheets within a workbook. The default settings are designed to allow you to use either automatic or manual calculation for normal sheets, but only calculate specified MixMode sheets when you need to. You can use mixed mode at the same time as Active Workbook mode.

You can choose which worksheets to designate as MixMode sheets.

MixMode worksheet settings are stored with the workbook and persist between Excel sessions.

You can use default settings or customize the settings.

MixMode worksheets can be combined with the new calculate active workbook only mode and the ability to set calculation mode by workbook.

Mixed Mode default settings

If Active Workbook Mode is ON then only the active workbook is calculated: if Active Workbook Mode is OFF then all open workbooks are calculated

When you use FastExcel’s default MixMode settings Excel calculates as follows:

In automatic calculation mode MixMode sheets are not recalculated automatically.

F9 or the Calculate button will not recalculate MixMode worksheets.

Ctrl/Shift/F9 or the Calculate MixMode Sheets button will recalculate the workbook(s) including MixMode sheets.

Shift/F9 or the Calculate Sheet(s) button will calculate all the selected sheets including any selected MixMode sheets. If in automatic mode the workbook(s) will then also be recalculated.

Ctrl/Alt/F9 or the Full Calculate Button will calculate all formulas on all sheets in all workbooks, including MixMode sheets.

Controlling Mixed Mode Settings


Mixed Mode calculation of MixMode sheets occurs for all open workbooks unless you have selected Active Workbook Mode.

You can control MixMode sheets will be calculated using these options:

Full Calculation: when this option is checked all formulas including those on MixMode sheets in the active workbook will be calculated when you press Ctrl-Alt-F9 or the FastExcel Full Calculate button. The default is checked.

Manual Calculation: when this option is checked pressing F9 or FastExcel’s Recalculate button will recalculate formulas that are flagged as uncalculated, including those on MixMode sheets in the active workbook. The default is not checked.

Selected Sheet(s) Calculation: when this option is checked pressing Shift-F9 or FastExcel’s Calculate Sheets button will recalculate formulas that are flagged as uncalculated on all selected sheets, MixMode or enabled. The default is checked.

Automatic Calculation: this option is permanently disabled: Excel’s automatic calculations do not recalculate MixMode sheets (except when you enable them of course).

You can select which sheets will be MixMode sheets using the Select MixMode Sheets button.


When a workbook is opened

If Excel is in automatic mode all MixMode sheets are recalculated.

If Excel is in manual mode any MixMode sheets are not recalculated unless the “Calculate MixMode sheets on open” option (Workbook Calculation Settings tab) was selected when the workbook was saved.

Using Range Calculate in Mixed Mode

Range calculate or Alt-F9 always calculates the selected range even on a MixMode sheet.

Workbook Calculation settings: Choosing the MixMode Sheets

You can choose which sheets to process in Mixed mode using the Select Mixmode Sheets button on the Active Workbook Calculation settings tab. FastExcel stores these settings for each worksheet in the workbook, and restores the last saved settings when the workbook is opened.


Use this command to select the sheets you want to be handled as MixMode sheets. These sheets will be calculated according to the options set for Mixed Mode calculations.


You can also use this tool to explore the possible effect of combining sheets.

In cases where there is a significant workbook calculation overhead you may be able to simulate the effect of combining the sheets causing the bottleneck by setting suspect worksheets to MixMode and monitoring the effect on workbook recalculation time.

NOTE: When using FastExcel SpeedTools or FastExcel Manager Pro for Mac these settings are saved when you save a workbook and restored when you open a workbook. These settings use Excel’s Worksheet Enable Calculation property.

This behavior is different to the standard Excel behavior.




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