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SpeedTools Lookup Families




SpeedTools Lookup Families

The 28 Lookup functions are organized into families to simplify choosing the particular function best suited to your needs.

MEMLOOKUP                    - Fast exact match Lookup using memory

MEMMATCH                    - Fast exact match MATCH using memory

AVLOOKUP2                    - Fast powerful advanced function lookup

AVLOOKUPS2                    - Advanced function lookup returning ALL matches

AVLOOKUPNTH                    - Advanced function lookup returning the Nth match

AMATCH2                    - Fast powerful advanced function MATCH

AMATCHES2                    - Advanced function MATCH returning ALL matches

AMATCHNTH                    - Advanced function MATCH returning the Nth match

Case.AVLOOKUP2          - Case-sensitive version of AVLOOKUP2

Case.AVLOOKUPNTH          - Case-sensitive version of AVLOOKUPNTH

Case.AVLOOKUPS2          - Case-sensitive version of AVLOOKUPS2

Case.AMATCH2                    - Case-sensitive version of AMATCH2

Case.AMATCHES2          - Case-sensitive version of AMATCHES2

Case.AMATCHNTH          - Case-sensitive version of AMATCHNTH

Rgx.AVLOOKUP2          - Regular Expression version of AVLOOKUP2

Rgx.AVLOOKUPNTH          - Regular Expression version of AVLOOKUPNTH

Rgx.AVLOOKUPS2          - Regular Expression version of AVLOOKUPS2

Rgx.AMATCH2                    - Regular Expression version of AMATCH2

Rgx.AMATCHES2          - Regular Expression version of AMATCHES2

Rgx.AMATCHNTH          - Regular Expression version of AMATCHNTH

Rgx.Case.AVLOOKUP2          - Case-sensitive version of Rgx.AVLOOKUP2

Rgx.Case.AVLOOKUPNTH          - Case-sensitive version of Rgx.AVLOOKUPNTH

Rgx.Case.AVLOOKUPS2                    - Case-sensitive version of Rgx.AVLOOKUPS2

Rgx.Case.AMATCH2          - Case-sensitive version of Rgx.AMATCH2

Rgx.Case.AMATCHES2          - Case-sensitive version of Rgx.AMATCHES2

Rgx.Case.AMATCHNTH          - Case-sensitive version of Rgx.AMATCHNTH

EVAL2                              - Evaluate a formula string




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