The Family of LISTDISTINCT Functions
This new family gives you an easy, powerful and efficient way of dynamically working with data containing duplicates.
Work with multiple columns
The ByRows option allows you to look for distinct rows with multiple columns
Case-sensitive Option
You can choose whether to ignore upper-lower case or not.
The LISTDISTINCTS family can return arrays of the distinct items. To simplify dynamically using the results of these functions you can choose to return, 0,”” or #N/A for unused cells.
Counts, Sums and Averages for the list of Unique Items
LISTDISTINCT.COUNT, LISTDISTINCT.SUM, LISTDISTINCT.AVG, COUNTDISTINCTS and COUNTDUPES give you an easy way of dynamically counting the number of occurrences of each distinct item/row, or of summing or averaging a range of values for each distinct row.
LISTDISTINCTS - Create an array or range list of the distinct cells or rows.
LISTDISTINCTS.SUM - Produces a list of the distinct items and lists the sums of their corresponding values
LISTDISTINCTS.COUNT - Produces a list of the distinct items and their count
LISTDISTINCTS.AVG - Produces a list of the distinct items and their average