The ROWS functions evaluate each row in the input arguments separately to provide a column of True/False answers. This is the most frequently used flavour for array formulas.
The COLS functions evaluate each column in the input arguments separately to provide a row of True/False answers.
The CELL function evaluates each corresponding element in the input arguments separately to provide a 2-dimensional array of True/False answers.
The functions can be nested together to provide complex logical array expressions.
The functions are non-volatile, multi-threaded array functions.
Differences to Excel’s AND OR functions
SpeedTools Logical Functions
Excel Logical Functions
No True/False results found=False
No True/False results found=#Value
Numeric Text <>0 = True
Numeric Text <>0 = False
Returns rows, columns or arrays
Returns a single True/False
ALL, ANY, NONE SpeedTools Logical Functions for Ordinary Formulas
To provide compatibility with the SpeedTools array functions SpeedTools also provides three logical functions for use in non-array formulas:
ALL which is equivalent to AND
ANY which is equivalent to OR
NONE which is equivalent to NOT OR
These 3 functions handle Numeric Text and the absence of any True/False results in the same way as the SpeedTools logical array functions.
OR.ROWS(Logicaltest1, logicaltest2, …)
OR.COLS(Logicaltest1, logicaltest2, …)
OR.CELLS(Logicaltest1, logicaltest2, …)
AND.ROWS(Logicaltest1, logicaltest2, …)
AND.COLS(Logicaltest1, logicaltest2, …)
AND.CELLS(Logicaltest1, logicaltest2, …)
Each LogicalTest parameter for these functions can be a constant, a constant array, a range or a formula.
For OR.ROWS and AND.ROWS the number of rows in each LogicalTest parameter must be the same, but the number of columns may be different.
For OR.COLS and AND.COLS the number of columns in each LogicalTest parameter must be the same, but the number of rows may be different.
For OR.CELLS and EACH.CELL the number of rows and columns must be the same in all LogicalTest parameters.
If there are any error values in any of the parameters the first error value found is returned instead of True or False.
False, alphabetic text, empty, 0 and 0 as text are treated as False
True, non-zero numbers and numeric text are treated as True (Excel's OR function treats numeric text as False)
If no True/False or expressions resolving to True/False are found the result is False (Excel's OR function returns #Value)