VSORTC.INDEX – Collating Text Index Sort of a vertical range or array
This function index sorts a vertical array or a range containing one or more columns. The sort is NOT case-sensitive and is done using a locale-based collating sequence which respects national language characters and Excel’s sorting rules. The output sequence will be the same as a non-case-sensitive EXCEL SORT.
VSORTC.INDEX is a non-volatile multi-threaded multi-cell array function.
VSORTC.INDEX(theInputData, SortColumn1, SortColumn2, … SortColumn15) )
The first parameter is required, all other parameters are optional.
The output from VSORTC.INDEX will be a vertical sorted array of index numbers. The index numbers give the relative position in the input data of the nth item in the sorted output, rather than the sorted output itself. The number of rows sorted and output will be the smaller of the number of rows in the input data and the number of rows in the used range.
The number of columns will always be 1.
TheInputData (required)
The data to be sorted, given as a vertical array of constants or a calculated range or a range. The range or array can contain as many columns as required.
SortColumn1 … SortColumn15 (optional)
Gives the index column number(s) of the columns to be used as sort keys. Up to 15 sort keys can be specified. Positive column numbers will be sorted ascending and negative column numbers will be sorted descending. You can have both positive and negative numbers in the same function call. 1 denotes the first column in the input data. If all Sort Column parameters are omitted all columns in the input data will be used as ascending sort keys.
VSORTC.INDEX({B;b;a;A}) returns a column with 4 rows containing 3, 4, 1, 2 (first is the 3rd in the input data (“a”) then the 4th (“A”), then the 1st (“B”), then the 2nd (“b”)) .
VSORTC.INDEX(A1:C100000,1,-2) will return 100000 rows by 1 column of index numbers sorted ascending on column A and descending on column B.