VECTOR Function
VECTOR returns a column or row of increasing or decreasing positive or negative integers
VECTOR is a multi-threaded, non-volatile array function.
VECTOR (StartValue, EndValue, Step, Row, Fill)
StartValue (Optional, default 1)
The first number. Can be positive or negative. If omitted the value 1 will be used
EndValue (Required)
The last number: can be positive or negative.
Step (Optional, default 1)
The increment between numbers. Can be positive or negative. If omitted the value 1 or -1 will be used.
If the sign of step is not a valid increment for StartValue and EndValue its sign will be reversed.
Row (Optional, default TRUE)
If ROW is TRUE then a row of numbers will be generated. If FALSE a Column of numbers will be generated.
Fill (Optional, default “”)
If VECTOR is array entered into more cells than the number of integers requested, Excel would normally put #N/A into the excess cells. The Fill parameter provides the value to use instead of #N/A.
VECTOR Examples
{=VECTOR(,6)} returns a row containing 1 to 6
(=VECTOR(1,6,1,FALSE)} returns a column containing 1 to 6
{=VECTOR(6,1,-1,FALSE)} returns a column containing 6 to 1
{=VECTOR(-6,-1,-1,FALSE)} returns a column containing -6 to -1
{=VECTOR(-3,2,-1,FALSE)} returns a column containing -3 to +2
{=VECTOR(-3,6,-2,FALSE)} returns a column containing -3,-1,1,3,5