Matches cells in the first header column of the array/range to header column cells from multiple arrays or ranges to create an output array with a single header column. Up to 29 Range /Array arguments can be appended alongside one another column wise.
Each row with a matching header is stacked alongside it’s matching row.
Rows in subsequent arrays/ranges where row headers do not match the first array/range row header are filled with Fill characters, for example #N/A (default) or 0.0 or "".
HDR.HSTACK is a multi-threaded, non-volatile array function.
HDR.HSTACK ([Fill], Arg1, Arg2, … , Arg29)
Fill (Optional, default #N/A)
A cell or character or digit to be used to fill unused cells in the output array, for example 0.0 or “”. When the Arrays or ranges to be appended do not have matching row headers the gaps will be filled with the Fill character. Use zero if you want to append differently-sized numeric arrays or arrays with some different header cells and pass the output to an aggregating function such as SUM() or a single-cell array formula.
Note: A non-array argument given for the first argument to HDR.HSTACK will be treated as a fill value. Preface the non-array argument with a comma to make it vthe first HDR.HSTACK item.
Arg1 to Arg28
Ranges or arrays to be appended.
Where cell values in the first column of each Range/Array match the cell values in the first column of the first range/array the rows are placed in the output array in that matched row. The sequence of rows can be different in each array/range.
Only the first column (header column) in the first range/array is copied into the output array. The header columns in subsequent arrays/ranges are not copied.
The ranges to be appended can be on different sheets.
If an Argument range/array is a constant or resolves to a single value it will be propagated down the entire column.