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Removes and/or replaces columns within a range, array or spill reference, after a specified column or at the right or left of the range/array.

SPLICECOLS is a multi-threaded, non-volatile array function.



SPLICECOLS (Range_Array, [AfterColumn], [RemoveColumns], [Splice], [Fill])


Array, Table, Range or Spill reference be spliced.

AfteColumn (Optional, default -1)

Optional: the column number in Range_Array after which columns will be inserted or deleted, -1 = to the right of Range_Array, 0 = to the left of Range_Array

RemoveColumns (Optional, default 0)

Optional: the number of columns to be removed from the Range_Array, Default 0 = no columns, -1 = all columns to the right of AfterColumn

Splice (optional)

Optional.: the array, range or spill ref to be inserted into Range_Array after AfterColumn

Fill (optional, default #N/A)

If Splice has fewer rows than Range_Array the Fill value will be used to fill the missing cells after insertion into Range_Array. Default is #N/A.




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