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Installing FastExcel V4 SpeedTools




Installing FastExcel V4 SpeedTools

FastExcel V4 SpeedTools Installers can either be installed manually from a downloaded zip folder, or more automatically from a downloaded Installer package.

Automatic Installation for Windows

Automatic Installation requires administrative privileges.

1. Extract the installer .exe file from the downloaded zip

2. Double-click the extracted installer .exe file and follow the instructions to create a FastExcel V4 folder containing a subfolder for FXLV4 SpeedTools. The default directory is called FastExcel V4 and is located in your Program Files (x86) directory.

Help files (.CHM) and a PDF version of the User guide will also be installed in these folders.

After successful installation FastExcel V4 will automatically be started when you start Excel, and you will find FastExcel V4 tabs for each installed product on the main ribbon.


If the ribbon does not show any FastExcel V4 tabs, or the installation was done for you by another user with administrative privileges, you may have to use the Manual Install instructions below:

Manual Installation:

Does not require Administrative Privileges.

Requires use of Excel’s Addin Manager

Requires Manual Uninstall

Manually Installing FastExcel SpeedTools V4 does not generally require administrative privileges (but some administrative group policies and anti-virus software may prevent downloading and installing Excel addins).

1. Create the FastExcelV4 folder

Extract the FastExcelV4 folder from the downloaded zip file to your chosen location

The FastExcelV4 folder contains up to 3 sub-folders, depending on which Manual Installer you chose:

FastExcel V4 Profiler

FastExcel V4 Manager Pro

FastExcel V4 SpeedTools

Each of these sub-folders contains an .XLAM file you need to load into Excel using Excel's Addin Manager.

2. Unblock all the XLAM, XLL and DLL files

Windows often blocks downloaded files.

To unblock a file:

The files you may need to unblock are:

oFastExcelV4/FastExcel V4 SpeedTools/FxlV4SpeedTools.xlam

oFastExcelV4/FastExcel V4 SpeedTools/FxlV4SpeedTools.xll

oFastExcelV4/FastExcel V4 SpeedTools/FxlV4SpeedTools64.xll

oFastExcelV4/FastExcel V4 SpeedTools/ExcelDNA.IntelliSense.xll

oFastExcelV4/FastExcel V4 SpeedTools/ExcelDNA.IntelliSense64.xll

oFastExcelV4/FastExcel V4 SpeedTools/QlmCLRHost_x64.dll

oFastExcelV4/FastExcel V4 SpeedTools/QlmCLRHost_x86.dll

oFastExcelV4/FastExcel V4 SpeedTools/QlmLicenseLib.dll

Browse to each file, Select and Right-click it and then select Properties

Click the Unblock button

3. Make the FastExcelV4 folder a Trusted Location

Start Excel and use File->Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Settings->Trusted Locations->Add new location->Browse to your FastExcelV4 folder->Check Subfolders of this Location are also trusted->OK

4. Use Excel's Addin Manager to install the FastExcel V4 addin

For Excel 2007 Click Office Button->Excel Options->Addins->Excel Addins->Go… 
For Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Excel 365 Click File->Excel Options->Addins->Manage Excel Addins->Go…

Press Browse and locate the FastExcelV4 folder.

In the FastExcel V4 SpeedTools sub-folder select the fxlV4SpeedTools.xlam file and click OK to return to the Addins form.

If asked “Do you want to copy this Addin to the Addins folder?” reply NO.

The Excel Addins form should now show the FastExcel V4 addins with a checkmark. Click OK to finish.

5. Recommended Trust Center Settings

The recommended settings for addins and macros are:





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