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Using FastExcel calculation methods from VBA




Using FastExcel calculation methods from VBA

If you are using any of FastExcel’s additional calculation modes and options and your VBA program is requesting Excel calculations you should use FastExcel’s enhanced calculation methods.

If you use Excel’s standard calculation methods either FastExcel’s additional calculation modes and options will not operate or you may get unexpected results.

You can access FastExcel’s calculation methods from VBA either by using Application.Run or by setting a reference in your VBA project to SpeedToolsV4: Alt-F11 to go to the VBE, then ToolsReferences and check the box beside SpeedToolslV4.

The available calculation methods are:


FxlRangeCalc calculates the selected range on the active sheet in the same way as the FastExcel Calculate Range button.


FxlSheetCalc recalculates the selected worksheet(s) in the same way as the FastExcel Recalculate Sheets button.


FxlFullSheetCalc  full calculates the selected worksheet(s) in the same way as the FastExcel Full Calculate Sheets button.


FxlBookCalc recalculates workbooks in the same way as the FastExcel Calculate Book button.


FxlFullBookTime does a full workbook calculation in the same way as the FastExcel Full Calculate button.


FxlDisabledSheetsCalc recalculates workbooks including Mixed mode worksheets.


The workbooks will have their dependency trees rebuilt and a full calculation will be done.




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