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FastExcel Active Workbook Mode




FastExcel Active Workbook Mode

Open multiple workbooks but only calculate the active one.
Set different calculation modes for each open workbook with Set Book Modes.

Whilst this option is active you cannot copy and paste between workbooks.

Note: Active workbook mode is only available with FastExcel SpeedTools and FastExcel Manager Pro for Mac

Excel normally calculates all the workbooks you have open at each calculation. This can cause inconvenience and slow calculation when you have multiple workbooks open.

FastExcel allows you to set Active Workbook Mode so that Excel will only calculate the active workbook.

When you set Active Workbook Mode the default is that each open workbook is in Manual calculation mode, so that you have to press F9 to calculate the Active Workbook.

For more complicated situations FastExcel allows you to set different calculation modes for each workbook.

For example suppose one workbook is set to Automatic and another to Manual:

If the Automatic workbook is active then it will be automatically calculated at any change to the workbook, but the inactive manual workbook would not be calculated.

If the Manual workbook is active then it will only be calculated when you press F9, and the inactive Automatic workbook will not be calculated.

You can set the calculation mode for each of the open workbooks (and the default mode) using the Set Book Modes button. This book calculation mode is saved with each workbook.

If you use active workbook mode with a workbook in Automatic mode then it will be recalculated whenever you make it active.

Once you set this option it will still be active the next time you open Excel.

Whilst this option is active you cannot copy and paste between workbooks.

You can use Active Workbook Mode for the workbooks at the same time as Mixed Mode for the worksheets, but Mixed Mode is not dependent on Active Workbook Mode.




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