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Excel Calculation Settings




Excel Calculation Settings

Excel’s default methods for Determining Calculation Mode.

By default Excel uses the same calculation mode for all open workbooks.
The Calculation mode is initially set from the first workbook opened and is not changed when other workbooks are opened.
Use the extended FastExcel calculation methods to override Excel’s standard calculation methods

Excel uses the same calculation mode for all open workbooks.

Excel sets the initial calculation mode from the first (previously saved) workbook opened. This initial calculation mode will not change when additional workbooks are opened, and will only change when either the user or a VBA program changes it. If you start Excel with a brand new empty workbook and make changes to that workbook then the calculation mode is Automatic.

If a manual mode workbook is opened in automatic mode the workbook will be calculated.

FastExcel gives you many extended calculation methods which you can use to change and control the default Excel calculation settings.

These extended calculation methods only work when you have eithe FastExcel SpeedTools or FastExcel Manager Pro for Mac loaded.

The extended Calculation methods only available with FastExcel include:

Active workbook mode

Initial calculation modes

MixMode worksheets selection and options

Restore calculation mode after open

Calculate MixMode sheets on open






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