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Excel Current Calculation Mode




Excel Current Calculation Mode

You can use this form to view and change Excel’s current calculation status and settings.

By default, the current Excel calculation mode applies to all the open workbooks.
Also, all the open workbooks are recalculated, not just one

Excel’s default calculation mode is at the Excel session level.
This means that Excel will use the same calculation mode for all open workbooks, regardless of the calculation mode that was saved with an individual workbook.

Whenever Excel calculates the default behavior is to calculate all the open workbooks, rather than just the active workbook


Formulas are recalculated automatically whenever anything changes so that the workbook(s) are always calculated.

Automatic except Tables

Similar to automatic except that Excel Tables are not automatically calculated. This can be useful with large workbooks because Excel Tables cause multiple calculations of the workbook.


The status bar will also show “Calculate” if there are circular references or ForceFullCalculation has been turned on.

Formulas are only recalculated when the user requests it by pressing F9 or the FastExcel recalculate button. When the workbook is not completely calculated the status bar shows “calculate”.

Recalculate before save.

If in Manual mode checking this option will cause Excel to recalculate uncalculated formulas in the workbook each time it is saved.

Excel Iteration

These settings control how Excel handles circular references.


When checked Excel will attempt to resolve formulas that are linked by circular references by repeatedly calculating them.

Maximum iterations and Maximum change

Excel will stop the repeated calculation of the circular references as soon as either the maximum number of iterations has been reached or the maximum change in the values of all of the formulas is less that the specified maximum change.

Multi-threaded calculation Settings

Enable MTC

When Checked Excel (Windows Excel 2007 and Mac Excel version 16 and later) will split the calculation process over multiple threads. This will improve calculation speed on many problems, particularly with large workbooks and multiple recalculations.

Use all Processors/Manually Assign threads

You can control the maximum number of threads to be used by Multi-Threaded calculation




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