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Every Iteration of Loops Immediate Output




Every Iteration of Loops Immediate Output

The Loop iterations are labelled slightly different for the 3 different types of loops (For To, For Each and Do).

The general format is



loopType is one of the following, For To, For Each, or Do Loop

UID1 is a loop unique identifier that can be seen in the user code.  This is to support in finding the loop which this timer measured,

variableName is the loop variable for the For To and For Each loops.  The Do loop does not have a loop variable,

depth is the nested depth value.  Subroutine and functions will be counted as a depth down,

UID2 is a unique identifier that is generated at runtime.  This is required to identify the path a For Each or a Do loop is taking.  For the For Each and Do loops, the UID2 is based on a counter that labels the loops sequentially when that loop is first called.  For the For To loop, the UID2 is the value of the increment variable.




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