Workbook Calculation Settings: Workbook Options
Restore Workbook Calculation Mode after open
This option only functions when: -the workbook has been saved -and the workbook is subsequently opened.
When Restore calculation mode after open is checked FastExcel will automatically reset the calculation mode after the workbook has been opened to the workbook calculation mode. You can set the workbook calculation mode using Set Book Modes, or let it default to the default workbook calculation mode, which you can also set in Set Book Modes.
Note that using this option does NOT prevent Excel calculating a workbook when it is opened and Excel is in Automatic mode.
Use “Restore calculation mode after open” instead of Active Workbook Mode if you want to force Excel into the calculation mode of this workbook whenever it is opened, but do not want to switch calculation mode whenever a workbook is activated.
Force Full Calculation
This option is only available in Excel 2007or later and , Mac Excel 365.
If checked every calculation on this workbook will be a full calculation rather than a recalculation, and the time taken to rebuild the dependency trees will not be needed at workbook open time or when the workbook is edited.
Switch on Force Full Calculation if adding a row at the top of a worksheet is very slow and Full Calculate time is close to Recalculate time.
Calculate MixMode sheets on open
Only works if FastExcel was active when the workbook was saved
Calculate all worksheets including MixMode when the workbook is opened in manual mode. In Automatic mode MixMode sheets are always recalculated on open, so you cannot select this option when calculation mode is automatic.
Update Remote References
If TRUE automatically update any remote references (DDE Links to other programs) whenever Excel recalculates.
Save External Link Values
If TRUE Excel will save values for the links to external workbooks. I recommend keeping this option as TRUE
Precision as Displayed
Checking this box will force Excel to calculate to the number of decimal places that appear as a result of your formatting, and will permanently change any numbers stored in cells. You need to be sure you have thought through the full implications of this before using it. Precision as Displayed slows down calculation.
1904 Date System
If TRUE changes the starting date from which all dates are calculated from January 1 1900 to January 2 1904.
Accept Labels in Formulas
This allows Excel to use natural language labels in formulas. Because there are circumstances when this will give you unexpected or ambiguous results, I recommend you do NOT use this feature.